Product Description
The Premium Accessory kit includes the high quality Aramith premium ball set along with all the accessories you need to put your table to use. These sets contain a full line of accessories.
- 1 Aramith® Premium ball set
- 1 bottle of Aramith® Ball Cleaner
- 1 Aramith® Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloth
- 1 wooden triangle ball rack
- 1 wooden 9-ball rack
- 4 two-piece pool cues
- 1 two-piece bridge stick
- 1 brass bridge head
- 1 wooden six-cue rack
- 1 cue repair kit
- 4 Aramith® chalks
- 1 10 1/2" table brush
- 1 under rail brush
- 1 leather tally shaker bottle
- 1 set of wooden tally balls
- 1 official rule book
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